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Urban Lightscape 1.2.0

Urban Lightscape Urban Lightscape 1.2.0

Screenshots of Urban Lightscape

Urban Lightscape Publisher's Description

For photographers who love light, use Urban Lightscape to correct exposure, make localised brightness adjustments and introduce artificial lighting to your photos.

Use Urban Lightscape to rediscover hidden detail obscured by harsh shadows or glaring lights.

Use Urban Lightscape for those subjects that deserve better exposure than you got in-camera.

Use Urban Lightscape to add light in post-production that you didn't have on set.

Urban Lightscape is available as both a standalone application and as a plugin to Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. software delivers sophisticated image-processing tools via natural user interfaces. Results are rapid, without compromising on the extra controls needed to achieve subtle perfection. Use software because you love photography.

What's New in Version 1.2.0 of Urban Lightscape

Added Tolerance slider to give you greater control over edge sensitivity.

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